School Improvement Plan

Bigland Green has three key improvement priorities…

Priority 1: Writing Further strengthen the planning and delivery of writing to enhance learning across the curriculum.  Teach pupils how best to use the knowledge gained from reading to improve their writing.  Reinforce how to use skills taught in English to improve writing in other subjects.
Priority 2: Learning for All Carefully consider and adapt learning (e.g. planning/ resourcing/ support) prior to the lesson and adjust teaching strategies during the lesson to ensure that all pupils know more and remember more.  To continue to ensure that all classrooms are inclusive across the school.
Priority 3: Mathematical language & application Make sure that pupils have a better understanding of mathematical language and that they are able to apply mathematical knowledge to solve problems of a complex nature.  Support pupils to make meaningful connections across the curriculum so that they learn and remember more.

 A copy of the current School Improvement Plan (SIP) [September 2023 to July 2026] can be downloaded from this link.  A paper copy or a summary version is available from the school office.

A copy of the non-statutory music development plan can be downloaded from this link.