Pupil Premium

Evidence show that pupils who are eligible for free school meals (FSM) underachieve considerably compared with their non-FSM peers at every key stage. The Government therefore believes it is right that additional funds are available to give the poorest children who achieve less well a better start in life.

The Pupil Premium is intended to address the current inequalities by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it most. The Pupil Premium is allocated to deprived children who are currently  known to be eligible for or were eligible for Free School Meals in the past six years; children looked after for more than 6

In February 2021, the government announced a one-off recovery premium as part of its package of funding to support education recovery for Covid-19.  The recovery premium provides additional funding during the current school year (2021 to 2022). Building on the pupil premium, this funding will help schools to deliver evidence-based approaches for supporting disadvantaged pupils.

Pupil Premium Report 2023-24 shows how the fund was used to narrow the gaps in attainment.  Available evidence shows that the actions taken by the school is having a significant impact. The standards are improving rapidly narrowing the gap and in some cases pupils supported by Pupil Premium are doing better than others.  Pupil Premium Plan 2024-25 shows how the governors intend to use the Pupil and Recovery Premiums to support pupils learning.

Please see the headteacher if you would like more information or wish to find out more about Pupil Premium.