School governors and staff members work together to ensure that we can provide the best possible education for your child. A detailed policy for each area of the curriculum and religious education is in place and reviewed periodically. Some of these are informed by the Tower Hamlet’s curriculum statement and guidance which have been adopted by the governing body.
Policies are also in place for many non-curricular areas of school life and are also available in the school office. The headteacher would be happy to discuss any policies with you or provide further details. If you have ideas about areas for which a policy needs to be developed then please see a governor or the headteacher.
- Accessibility Plan
- Anti-bullying
- Attendance policy (for pupils)
- Before school provision
- Behaviour and discipline
- Calculation Policy - Addition
- Charging and subsidy
- Code of Conduct
- Complaints procedures
- Data protection
- Email protocol for parents
- Feedback policy
- Fire evacuation procedures
- First aid information for parents
- Flexible Working
- Freedom of information
- Handwriting
- Health and safety
- Healthy lunch (booklet)
- Home school agreement
- Home-learning (homework)
- Inclusion Offer
- Leave during term time
- Lettings/hiring of school premises
- Life-skills session
- Medical and first aid
- Online safety/e-Safety
- Pack lunch
- Photos in school
- Policy on reference
- Privacy Notice policy - Pupils
- Privacy Notice policy - Staff
- Relationship and health education
- Restraining a pupil
- Risk assessment
- Safeguarding and child protection
- Shared expectations for teachers
- Single equality plan
- Social media
- Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND)
- Special leave policy
- Staff behaviour policy
- Trips, residentials and visits
- Uniform for pupils
- Whistleblowing