At Bigland Green, pupils’ education and learning are at the centre of the school’s work. The school has a leading role in pupils’ welfare and their wellbeing because these are important in their own right for a good childhood and because they impact on children’s ability to learn and develop. The school has rigorous procedures to protect its pupils from all forms of harm, abuse/neglect and from bullying/harassment.
Safeguarding children and vulnerable people from radicalisation and extremism is no different from safeguarding them from other forms of harm. The school’s takes it duty to prevent people from being influenced by radicalisation or extremism seriously. More information can be found in the school’s policy for safeguarding and child protection, and the polices listed below. All the policies are available under the ‘policies’ tab below.
- Anti Bullying
- Drugs and substance misuse
- Health and safety
- Home school agreement
- Intimate care and nappy changing
- Leave during term time
- Medical and first aid
- Online safety
- Photos in school
- Restraining a pupil
- Risk assessment
- Safeguarding and child protection
- Social media
- Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND)
- Whistleblowing
The school has fully trained first-aiders to attend to pupils who have minor accidents or are in need of medical attention.
The school’s staff and governors reinforce the philosophy and ethos of the school. The school promotes the health, safety and wellbeing of its pupils through the care provided, through the management of the school, through the learning and teaching and through the partnership with others.