PiXL (Partners in Excellence) is a not-for-profit partnership of over 600 primary schools of which Bigland Green is a member. Together the schools share best practice to raise standards and to give pupils a better future and brighter hope. PiXL is the largest network of schools in England and Wales.
Each of PiXL’s tailored programmes provides a wealth of classroom strategies and resources and brings school leaders and specialists together at regular conferences to share ideas and support. At these regular meetings, workshops led by subject specialists offer up to date guidance and insight.
Bigland Green has been a member of this partnership since March 2016. It uses PiXL principles and resources to support pupils in a very targeted manner. The PiXL intervention programme is known as ‘Aiming for Excellence’ at Bigland Green. It allows potential but pupils who are vulnerable to receive high quality intervention support from the most highly skilled teachers at the school.
Please see your child’s classteacher or the Team Leader if you want more information about PiXL and how it is being used to support your child’s learning. You can also find out more about this at the next CANDO meeting.