The school has a very strong Learning Support Team to ensure that all pupils, including those with a special educational needs and/or disability (SEND) are safe, enjoy learning and make good or better progress.
The school has systems for identifying individual learning needs and ensuring that all classes are inclusive. Classteachers share their information with the Inclusion Lead who brokers further assessments and then the necessary support to promote inclusive practice.
The school buys services from a registered ‘speech and language’ therapist. The therapist works alongside two trained ‘speech and language support assistants’ to provide the required support. Parents play a central role in making sure that the support provided at school is effective in addressing the issues by working in a strong partnership with the school.
Pupils who are identified with a special educational need are supported by a Learning Support Assistant (LSAs) once they receive an EHCP (education health care plan). The school has a team of more than 15 LSAs who receive regular training and high quality support from the Inclusion lead.
A highly skilled Learning Mentor provides targeted support across the school based on needs. Much of this support is for the short-term. For example, when a pupil experience bereavement, domestic disharmony or a friendship issue at school – the Learning Mentor will support the pupil. The work of the Learning Mentor is supported by two Mentoring Assistants.
External support and guidance is sought when necessary.
The Learning Mentor and the Mentoring Assistants work in close partnership with the parents of pupils that they are supporting. This allows parents to play their role in the issues/challenges faced. On the whole, the support from parents is fantastic.