At Bigland Green, pupils, parents, staff and governors work together to create a school community where bullying or racist behaviour is not tolerated. To ensure that the actions taken are effective, we monitor and review our policies on a regular basis.
Staff members are required to report any incidences of bullying or racism on CPOM (school’s web-based reporting system). Parents and others can report such incidences by clicking on this link.
All reported incidents are investigated and appropriate actions are taken. All investigated incidents are included in the headteacher’s termly report to the governors, and reported to the Local Authority.
With serious or persistent cases of bullying or racial incidents, all family members of the perpetuator are invited to meet the Chair of the governing body in which the victim’s family is also present. This allows families to work together and provide better support to their children working alongside the school. However, there has been no need for such action.